Brand Resources
The Hobbmate Icon
The Hobbmate Icon is the face of the Hobbmate Brand that works as a call to action and a shorter version of our Logo. Use the Hobbmate Icon when you don't have enough room to use the Full Logo with proper safe space.

Minimum Clear Space
Clear space buffers the icon from images, text, or other graphics that compromise its impact and visibility. Make sure to give it enough room to breathe. Determine the minimum clear space around the icon by measuring one half of the icon's size on all sides.

The Hobbmate Logo
The full logo contains the name "Hobbmate" in the logo along with the Hobbmate Icon. Use the logo provided on this page and never try to modify the logo.

Minimum Clear Space
Clear space buffers the logo from images, text, or other graphics that compromise its impact and visibility. Make sure to give it enough room to breathe. Determine the minimum clear space around the logo by measuring 1x of the icon's size on all sides.

Minimum Sizes
A minimum size ensures that the impact and legibility of the icon is not compromised digitally or in print. Always maintain its set proportions and never show the icon smaller than 30x30 dp or 6 mm.

Minimum Digital Height: 25dp

Minimum Print Height: 5mm
The "h" Logo Glyph
You can use the Hobbmate "h" Glyph to point your presence on Hobbmate or share a general "follow me on".

Using the Icon with
other Social Media
You can use the Hobbmate Icon or the "h" glyph logo to point to your Hobbmate presence or "follow me on" links as shown in these example images.

Do's & Don'ts
Balance the Hobbmate Brand with your brand
Keep the Logo consistent.
Use "Hobbmate" name and logo constructively.
Don't make Hobbmate brand the most focused or prominent feature of Hobbmate.
Don't use Hobbmate brand in a way that implies unsolicited partnership, sponsorship or endorsement.
Don't use Hobbmate in any destructive or negative context as part of anything. You must comply to our Terms of Use & Community Guidelines.
Don't try to modify/stretch/morph the Hobbmate Logo or Icon
Don't modify or translate the word Hobbmate to any other non-English language or characters to represent Hobbmate.
Don't combine any part of the word like "Hobb" or "Mate" with your own brand in a way that implies any sort of link or relation to Hobbmate.
Hobbmate is a registered trademark in the US, India and elsewhere, so please beware of infringing any trademark rights or use our brand for any unsolicited purpose.
Brand Use Request
For any usage other than individual or general "follow us on" CTA, you require permission to use our brand assets. You can simply write to us at to request a Brand Use Permission